Prizm Content Connect
Important - Always use / as directory separator, even on Windows platform.

Parameter Default Value

Java Application for 32-bit or 64-bit OS. (Do not change this)

Default value for 32-bit OS: ../jre6/jre6-windows-x86-32/bin/java.exe

Default value for 64-bit OS: ../jre6/jre6-windows-x86-64/bin/java.exe

Java Main class. (Do not change this)

Default value: com.adeptol.JRunner


Working directory that is used after jrunner is initialized. (Do not change this)

Default value: ./

Application parameters, starting from 1. (Do not change this)

Default value: proxyconfig=../conf/

Initial Java heap size (in MB).

Default value: 256

Maximum value 32-bit OS: 4096 (4 GB)

Maximum value 64-bit OS: 262144 (256 GB)

Note: Java process will fail to start if the memory specified by this parameter cannot be allocated.

Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB).

Default value 32-bit OS: 512

Default value 64-bit OS: 1024

Maximum value 32-bit OS: 4096 (4 GB)

Maximum value 64-bit OS: 262144 (256 GB)


Maximum timeout to wait for the process shutdown.

Default Value: 120


Maximum timeout to wait for JVM to shutdown.

Default Value: 120

The first library path element. (Do not change this)

Default value: ./

The second java library path element, add additional path elements as needed starting from 3. (Do not change this)

Default value: ./

Path for Java temporary directory.

Default value:

Parameter to enable headless mode for JRE. This mode does not require a DISPLAY connection on a Linux environment.

Default value: -Djava.awt.headless=true


Logging Properties.

Format of output for the CONSOLE

The format consists of the tokens:
'L' for log level
'P' for prefix
'D' for thread
'T' for time
'Z' for millisecond time
'M' for message

If the format contains these values then it will be included in the format.

The order of the tokens does not affect the way the log appears, but the 'M' token should usually be placed last as it is the only column without a uniform width. If the property is missing or commented out, then the default value 'LPTM' will be used.

Setting the property to a blank value will cause file logging to be disabled.

Default value: LPZM

Logs are created under <prizm-install>/logs directory.


The Valid log levels are:
NONE - no output messages at all
FATAL - show fatal error messages only
ERROR - show all error messages
STATUS - show all state changes
INFO - shows all JVM output and informative messages
DEBUG - shows detailed debug information

Default value: INFO

Logs are created under <prizm-install>/logs directory.


Log file to use for jRunner output logging.

Either relative to jrunner.working.dir or full path.

The specified log file name may contain one or both of the tokens: ROLLNUM or YYYYMMDD.

Use ROLLNUM token if you want your log file to be rolled. The most recent log file will have the roll number of “1”, the second recent log file will have the roll number “2”, etc.

Example for proxyserver.log.ROLLNUM: proxyserver.log.1, proxyserver.log.2, proxyserver.log.3, …

Use YYYYMMDD token if you want your log file name to contain current date of the log file entries. Using this token requires also following setting of property value: jrunner.logfile.rollmode=DATE

Default value: ../logs/proxyserver-YYYYMMDD.log


Roll mode of the log file specified by jrunner.logfile property. Following values can be set for log file rolling mode:

NONE – the log file will never be rolled.

SIZE – the log file will be rolled as soon as its size exceeds the value specified in the by the jrunner.logfile.maxsize property.

JVM – the log file will be rolled on every restart of Java virtual machine (JVM).

SIZE_OR_JVM – the log file will be rolled on every restart of JVM or when its size exceeds the size specified in the jrunner.logfile.maxsize property.

DATE – use this property value when jrunner.logfile contains YYYYMMDD token. Note a log file will not be created on the days that have no logging output.

Default value: DATE


Log file format for jRunner output logging.

Default value: LPTM


Log file log level for jRunner output logging.

Default value: INFO


Maximum size that the log file will be allowed to grow to before the log is rolled. Size is specified in bytes. The default value of 0, disables log rolling. May abbreviate with the 'k' (kb) or 'm' (mb) suffix. For example, 10m = 10 megabytes.

Default value: 0


Maximum number of rolled log files which will be allowed before old files are deleted. The default value of 0 implies no limit.

Default value: 0


Log Level for sys/event log output.

Default value: NONE


Title to use when running as a console.

Default value: Convert2SWF Proxy Server Console

Name of the Prizm Server service.

Default value: Convert2SWFSvc


Display name of the service.

Default value: Prizm


Description of the Prizm Server service.

Run Convert2SWF Proxy Server Service helper for converting documents to PNG format


Prizm Server service dependencies. Add dependencies as needed starting from 1.

Default Value: blank (no value)


Mode in which the Prizm Server service is installed. Possible values are: AUTO_START or DEMAND_START.

Default Value: AUTO_START


Allow the Prizm Server service to interact with the desktop. Possible values are: true, false.

Default value: false


User account name under which the Prizm Server service runs.

The value is set by installer script as specified by the user.


Password of the account under which the Prizm Server service runs.

The value is set by installer script as specified by the user.


Definition of the string in logfile triggering the action (1). (Do not change this)

Default value: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError


Action to be performed when triggering string (1) is found in logfile. (Do not change this)

Default value: RESTART


Definition of the string in logfile triggering the action (2). (Do not change this)

Default value: jvm restart now


Action to be prformed when triggering string (2) is found in logfile. (Do not change this)

Default value: RESTART


Jrunner wrapper license type. (Do not change this)

Default value: DEV

Jrunner wrapper license type. (Do not change this)

Default value: 201110060018


Jrunner wrapper license type. (Do not change this)

Default value: ADEPTOL LLC


Jrunner wrapper license type. (Do not change this)

Default value: Adeptol


Jrunner wrapper license type. (Do not change this)

Default value: 64bit


Jrunner wrapper license type. (Do not change this)

Default value: 4ad7-38f0-5093-dff0


Jrunner wrapper license type. (Do not change this)

Default value: 296e-1eb2-d7ff-74cf


Jrunner wrapper license type. (Do not change this)

Default value: 9916-ab7c-ce5e-78ce


Jrunner wrapper license type. (Do not change this)

Default value: 0b4e-5cfd-b378-3c17


Jrunner wrapper license type. (Do not change this)

Default value: 5b95-f126-f567-ed1f


Example for better logging for issue debugging:

# Log Level for console output.
# Log file to use for jRunner output logging
# Log Level for log file output.
# Maximum size that the log file will be allowed to grow before the log is rolled

Setting jRunner to be less sensitive to JVM ping timeouts

This is useful for servers with high load.

# jRunner JVM timeout

Using jrunner.logfile.rollmode

This property controls the roll mode of the log file. Refer to the samples below on how to name the log file to specify the roll number or date stamp in the log file name. Possible jrunner.logfile.rollmode values include:

In this mode, the log file will never be rolled by the Proxyserver. The log file will continue to grow in size indefinitely. Use for the cases, when you want to disable log rolling by the Proxyserver.

In this mode, the log file will be rolled whenever its size exceeds the value defined by the jrunner.logfile.maxsize property:
maxsize property specifies maximum size that the log file will be allowed to grow to before the log is rolled. The value is specified in bytes.  The default value of jrunner.logfile.maxsize=0, disables log rolling.  The size can be abbreviated with the 'k' (kb) or  'm' (mb) suffix.  For example: 10m = 10 megabytes.

In this mode, the log file will be rolled when the Proxyserver is first launched. This rolling will happen immediately after the configuration file has been loaded. For this reason, any configuration problems will be logged to the file prior to it being rolled. In this WRAPPER mode, the log files will not have a maximum size and will continue to grow until the Proxyserver is restarted.

In this mode, the log file will be rolled on Proxyserver startup as with the WRAPPER mode. But it will also be rolled just before any restarted JVMs are launced. In this JVM mode, the log files will not have a maximum size and will continue to grow until the Proxyserver or a JVM is restarted.

This mode combines the SIZE and WRAPPER modes. The log file will be rolled on Proxyserver startup or whenever the log file exceeds the configured maximum size.

This mode combines the SIZE and JVM modes. The log file will be rolled on Proxyserver startup, JVM restart, or whenever the log file exceeds the configured maximum size.

In this mode, as each log entry is logged to a file by date, its timestamp is compared with a "YYYYMMDD" formatted token in the current log file. Whenever this date changes a new log file will be created for logging. This has the benefit of grouping all log entries for a given day in a specific file. A file will not be created on days which do not have any log output. This roll mode requires that the jrunner.logfile property has the "YYYYMMDD" token located somewhere in the file name.

Sample: Using ROLLNUM token in the filename:

Using ROLLNUM token we can specify the position of the log file number version when it is rolled. The most recent file will have a roll number „1“, the second recend will have a roll number „2“ , etc.

If a ROLLNUM token is not included in the log file, ".ROLLNUM" will be appended at the end by default. To get this token working jrunner.logfile.rollmode property has to be in rolling mode.


Sample: Using YYYYMMDD token in the filename:
Using YYYYMMDD token we can specify the position of the date stamp in the log file when it is rolled. This token is required when jrunner.logfile.rollmode property has a value of DATE.




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